party of one
2007-12-09 || 11:30 p.m.

I feel like death. I am so tired and hungover. Might go to bed after writing this.

Since I'm such a failure at meeting men, I decided to try something new and went to a singles party last night. Yep... I suck that bad.

Here is what I discovered.

There seems to be a lot more single women than men. As a single woman the odds aren't in my favour. But if you're a single guy living in Melbourne, you NEED to go to one of these. There was about a four women to one man ratio. Now, if that isn't a fantastic ratio for a man, I don't know what is. When I walked into the bar, I instantly sized up several men for their marrying capabilities and estimated yearly income (Okay maybe not, I was just trying firstly to find the men and secondly, one that was taller than me.) I stuck close to the bar and proceeded to knock back the drinks. It was fun. Drunks talked shit to us, we laughed at people and cursed those who actually seemed to couple up. But if you're a single guy in the city, it's almost a guarantee that you could walk away from one of these things with a girl in tow. And the men and women aren't ugly. I half expected it to be filled with lepers and newly converted ex-nuns. Shockingly, most were cute and well put together.

I didn't really meet anyone. Sure I flirted and drank and flirted some more. But I didn't go over the top like I have a tendancy to do. Mostly because the girl I went with wasn't really enjoying herself, and I felt like I should hold back and keep her company. It was probably for the best... by the end of the night I was pretty drunk and was probably capable of doing something that in a sober state I would never do.

I gave my number to some guy and he called me four times between the hours of 3am and 4am. I didn't answer my phone even though I was still out and about. If he calls me again at a decent time (which I am almost certain he won't) I might answer. He was drunk and horny so I don't expect to ever hear from him again. If a guy you just met is calling at that time there's only one thing he wants.


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