the new age of rejection
2007-12-07 || 11:24 p.m.

i'm back. i gave up for a while but seeing as i currently have way too much time on my hands i thought why not return to write some boring drivel here.

i'm unemployed. i'm bored. i'm lonely. i moved back in with my parents three weeks ago. i may be a qualified high school teacher... i'm waiting for my final results. i'm alive. i found out on tuesday that there is still a big hole in my brain which means that i am still cancer free, over three years from diagnosis. so i guess i can't complain.

all caught up now? maybe not, but that's all i can be bothered writing.

new topic.

so i was seeing this guy that i met online. i really liked him. he seemed to really like me. he was intelligent and witty and worked as a script writer for a popular aussie soap. i finally met someone who i was excited about seeing. we hung out, we talked on the phone pretty much every day, you know all signs pointed to the beginning of something more than casual dating. then i didn't hear from him for a week. then another week passed. i emailed him a couple of times. i called and left messages a couple of times. nothing over the top, i wasn't stalking the guy. then the other day i logged into my facebook account and noticed that i had one less friend. the fucker deleted me! i couldn't believe it. is this the new way to tell people that you're not interested in them? i've had the emails. i've had the voicemails. i've had the text messages. but deleting me from his friends... as someone who has experienced a whole lot of rejection i now realise that while it all sucks the facebook delete sucks most. there's no explanation, no "it's not you, it's me" or vice versa, no bullshit stories about being afraid of a commitment. no effort put in at all. just a click of a button and it's done. i mean c'mon! if you're gonna give me the flick, at least put a little effort into it.

but i'm over it. i'm willing to face even more rejection tomorrow night. a friend and i are going to a 'singles' party in the city. should make for some interesting tales to tell.

i just read back over this entry, clearly i'm a bit rusty. hopefully i'll get back into the swing of things.


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