reality check
2007-06-07 || 12:05 p.m.

could i possible waste anymore time? i'm definitely going to give it a shot.

it's the end of semester and i made it out alive. tomorrow morning i have my one and only exam which i have yet to crack a book open for. might have to do that this afternoon... could be a good idea.

this is supposed to be a study break week, so i guess that means i was supposed to be studying. hasn't happened yet. this week has been one of the craziest weeks i've had since coming here. i have been out all night for the past four days, done some heavy heavy drinking and found myself in places i never would have imagined i would be. it's kinda scary. but today is dedicated to studying... later... right now i'm procrastinating.

i got myself into what could have been a dangerous situation on tuesday night. i went out for our usual dirtbag challenge tuesday (three course meal at a friend's place that is made with only items that cost under $2). we then moved onto a bar and then everyone went home. i ran into this girl that i kinda know and we went to another bar. everything went fine and dandy then the bar closed, this girl i was with picked up and i was blind drunk and went to walk home. not sure how i met them but i met these two guys... i remember them saying they lived in my direction and would walk with me. i remember the three of us holding hands as we walked. i remember saying this is my turn off and trying to walk away. i remember them holding my hands and saying that i have to go home with them... i remember thinking they're harmless and i'm a big girl i can handle it. well for the most part they were harmless. i went back to their house and we sat around, fooled around a little bit and at about six in the morning i left. this is the time i came to realise that i had no idea where i was. i had no idea who the guys were. i had a basic idea of what had just happened but it was definitely very basic, no solid memory. lucky for me i have a great sense of direction. i just kept walking until i found a street name that i recognised. phew. that was a relief. on the long walk of shame home i realised that i had been extremely stupid. i drank way too much and quite obviously had a major lapse in common sense. i don't go home with one random man, let alone two. so hopefully the next time i'm feeling a little drunk i may remember what happened and consider what could have happened and not get another drink.


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