have a little patience
2007-02-12 || 3:57 p.m.

this whole moving thing totally sucks. i've been waiting to get all my paperwork in order, waiting to actually find out where and when i need to pick up my keys, waiting to get my deposit back from the other place that i was going to live. i'm a patient person, but i feel like this is getting ridiculous. i start classes on monday and i have no idea what's going on. i've called, emailed, sent letters... what more can i do? thus the waiting continues.

on a happier note, i had a fantastic going away soiree on saturday night. for the first time ever i managed to organise a successful night out. it was brilliant. i got everyone to go out for dinner which is something that i never imagined possible. in all the years i've known S (that would be ten) we have never gone out for dinner. well i got all the guys S, C and a few others to join me for dinner. that coupled with my girlfriends made for a momentous occasion. i should move away more often. i got outrageously drunk and i didn't pay for a single drink. good times. cheap times. of course all good things come to an end and most people left by midnight. that just left the usual suspects, myself, S and C and a couple of hangers-on that we met over dinner. we continued with the festivities well into the morning. it was excellent.

not surprisingly C was very attentive. just proves that i should have moved away long ago. now that i'm going he wants to be with me. if i wasn't leaving he would treat me just as he has been all this past year. it's all bullshit. i think we've known eachother long enough and been through enough shit, there should be no game playing. and so i'm moving and leaving C behind. hopefully. not hopefully. definitely. oh please let it be definitely. i don't wanna be pathetic forever.


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