more self pity, good times
2006-11-07 || 2:30 p.m.

so it's the melbourne cup today. a public holiday for those of us lucky to live in victoria. i worked last night but finished early enough to go out with the masses and make the most of the fact that i don't have to work today. but i didn't. i sat at home alone. watched tv.

today, i'm sitting at home alone, watching tv. the race should be run in about half an hour. i'm not gonna change the channel to watch it. instead i'm enjoying reliving my childhood with vh1's top 100 80s songs. martika's toy soldiers is currently on. what year was that? 89? i think so.

anyway the point is that everyone has cup day parties and stupid stuff like that. my parents are even at one. i didn't get invited to anything. poor me. you should feel sorry for me, wallowing in self pity. i'm tired of having to invite myself along to things. i just want occasionally to be asked before i mention that i have no plans and guilt people into letting me tag along.

i did put a bet on a couple of horses though. even if i'm not gonna watch it, i always have a punt. the one day a year that i do. i don't know anything about horse racing i just choose names i like. this year it's geordieland and pop rock. i've won the last three years so it would be nice to make it four. but i don't care either way.

on a lighter note. J will be back in december. yay! i can't wait. i don't have to guilt her into hanging out with me. well at least i don't think so. perhaps she's just more subtle in the way she takes pity on me. either way i don't care, i'll have my reliable drinking partner back.


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