a little something to take the edge off
2006-11-27 || 5:11 p.m.

wow, almost three weeks and not a single lame ass attempt at an entry. well fear not, i'm alive and kicking and this will be the lame ass attempt at an entry that you have been hanging out for. probably not. but it's an entry none the less.

so three weeks... and i've been doing actual stuff. and not just working and watching tv type stuff. i've seen bands. i crashed my brother's highschool reunion. i've been hanging out with S and C. i feel like i'm slowly getting a life. granted, a pathetic third wheel kinda life but it's better than nothing.

my brother flew from bumfuck nowhere down here to go to his 10 year highschool reunion. he was one of four males to attend. there was a better showing of females... about 30 of them. considering his entire year level was around 60 people i guess it wasn't that bad. i tagged along and drank the free booze. it was really fun. when i first walked in it was a little uncomfortable i got the 'you weren't invited' look but a few beers and a couple of tequila shots chased any of my worries away. good times.

i want to write some more but i gotta go do stuff...

stay tuned.


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