my heart, it don't beat the way it used to
2006-10-29 || 6:25 p.m.

note to self: do not mix alcoholic beverages. do not smoke over fifty cigarettes in an eight hour period. do not go out while suffering from some sort of sickness. all of these things combined can only lead to badness. hence the state i'm in now.

last night was JC's 29th birthday party. i didn't know anyone there. thus the massive amount of alcohol and cigarettes consumed. i had to fill my time doing something. i made small talk with lots of people but it really never got past the "so how do you know JC" kinda thing. but i survived.

in the sober light of day i know i shouldn't have but faced with the idea of either driving drunk, spending an hour waiting for a taxi in the freezing cold or calling C and asking him if i could crash at his place that was within walking distance i chose the C option. i only feel that it probably wasn't the best thing to do because i spent all of friday and most of saturday with C, then we went our separate ways for saturday night and i end up calling him at 3am asking a question i knew he wouldn't say no to. that's too much exposure to C. and it's not healthy for me.

i can't be bothered typing anymore. maybe later.


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