if all our days are numbered why do i keep counting?
2006-10-23 || 9:55 p.m.

it's been almost two weeks without an entry. i come here every day start typing a few sentences then realise that i have nothing worth saying. but perhaps this could be the one that i choose to post rather than delete. so far so good.

everyone is sick at work. i keep getting called in. it sucks but i can't say no, the money keeps calling my name.

i had some blood tests done last week. i can now add one more thing to my list of ailments, diseases, medical conditions. this one i'm told is easily controlled. i have just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. i have an underactive thyroid. that definitely explains why i'm always tired. and everyone thought i was just lazy because i sleep for 12 hours get up and lie on the couch. apparently not. with an underactive thyroid your whole body sorta just slows down. i've felt like this for as long as i can remember. i wonder if i'll notice any difference once the pills kick in.

it's weird because i just went to my doctor to get my usual blood tests done and for some reason he decided to do a few extra tests. if he hadn't been so thorough i could quite possibly have spent the rest of my life lying on the couch wondering why i have no energy.

so it's official. i am a dud. i am the weakling. the runt of the litter. but i can't complain because it's not going to change anything. just gotta keep on livin' L I V I N.


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