collapsing veins & internet dating, oh my!
2006-08-24 || 9:04 p.m.

my arms hurt. stupid non-existant veins. i had an MRI today. it was all going fine during the first six scans but for the last two they have to inject something or other that makes my brain light up like a christmas tree. i used to have good veins. never had a problem. then the chemo demolished them. they tell me that they will get better in time but it's taking too long. i finished with the chemo last year and my veins are still fucked. so my arms are all bruised and i'm not happy.

this internet dating thing is interesting. i'm in the process of arranging dates with not one, not two but three men. this is foreign territory for me. i struggle to find anyone that even looks in my direction let alone wants to go on a date with me. mind you, if you see someone on a site which sole purpose is for dating i suppose you know that they're open to the suggestion. and it's also way way easier to be rejected online than face to face. and then there's the selection of only the best pictures of yourself, possibly slightly touched up with a photo editor. no falling down drunk, smudged makeup, bad lighting at the end of a big night photos to be seen.

i'm starting to warm to the idea of internet dating sites.


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