whose leg do you have to hump to get a dry martini around here?
2006-08-20 || 4:04 p.m.

another week has passed and i have nothing to write about. please somebody save me from the endless monotony of my life. i'm having an MRI this week... perhaps that will show that the tumour's back and my life will receive the shake up that it so clearly needs. of course i'd rather be cancer free and bored. but if it happens you gotta look on the bright side.

i know i'm still tumour free. that's why i can joke about it.

so work sucks ass. i thought that once i got a job i would make new friends and have more people to hang out with... but no. sure everyone i work with is lovely but there is no chance of friendships being maintained outside of the workplace. why? because i'm the only single unattached non-parent among them. i'm also the youngest. the second youngest staff member is 39. i thought hospitality had a high turnover of staff. apparently not at this pub. and that's good, it's a sign that the place is good to its employees. however it is not good for my social life.

i joined an internet dating site. i really really need to stop sitting at home alone. it's boring. and i have new clothes and shoes that need to be worn. i haven't had a drinking binge for a month. i need a cocktail or ten. i don't actually think i'll meet anyone that i'll really click with but if i can make a new friend or two it will be worth it.


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