the cold acre
2006-07-27 || 8:47 p.m.

Am I pathetic? Do I have a sign on my back that says pity me? From the way people have been talking to me I think it's a definite yes.

J and D left yesterday. I'll have to wait six months to have a bender with J again. That sucks.

What sucks more is that everyone has asked me what I will be doing to fill the void J has left in my life. Do I not have other friends? Of course I do. Will they go out with me? There's always hope. Is there not a chance that in the next six months that I might make new friends or heaven forbid find a new man? Of course there is. I know that I am the first one to put myself and my life down but it's ok because I know that it really isn't all that bad. Random people on the other hand, really aren't in the position to make me feel like a complete loser. I can do that on my own thank you very much.

"My heart is a cold acre,
in my chest is a cold acre,
I don't grow any good anymore
though I've seeded my soul
with all kinds of love,
that it aches so..."

Sometimes I listen to those lyrics and can totally relate. Melodramatic much?


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