just for now
2006-07-24 || 2:34 p.m.

I think I'm still hungover from Saturday night. Yesterday I could hardly move, today I just feel like shit... so it's an improvement.

I can't really remember a whole lot about J and D's engagement party... there did seem to be an endless supply of martinis though. It was good.

Initially I thought it was going to be a bad night. S told me that he was going to some other party and C was at the footy getting tanked and wasn't sure what time he would be back. So I went from having two dates to no dates in the space of an hour.

But my luck changed again. C surprised me by making the effort to be home in time for the party. S decided at the last minute that he would join me as well. So in the space of twenty minutes I went from having no date to two dates. Things were once more looking up. C and S were surprisingly well behaved, we had live entertainment thanks to a brawl that spilled out of the bar next door and a wonderful albeit drunk and hazy night was had by all. To sum it up in two words: good times.

I just got a call from J. She and D love the gift I gave them. They're leaving for England on Thursday. We're going out for sushi tonight, I have to make the most of it for after they leave my social life will more than likely become non-existant.

I'm toying with the idea of making C talk to me. He's been acting slightly weird around me. I've been getting late night calls, invites to go out, he blew off work yesterday to hang out with me (and no sex was involved)... I just get the feeling that something is up.

I'm not sure I am ready to actually find out what's on his mind. I don't know if I could handle it if he said he wanted to be with me. And then on the other hand, I'm pretty sure that I couldn't handle being rejected for the second time. So that's why I am only toying with the idea. I need to figure out what I want before I venture into such dangerous territory.

On a side note I have two job interviews this week. Yay!


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