so it's come to this
2006-07-15 || 9:36 p.m.

This whole writing on a Saturday night thing is happening more often than I'd like. I can always find something to do on a Friday but rarely on a Saturday. What's up with that?

It's official. I have become a charity case. I am the token single gal in my group of friends. And it was more apparent last night than ever before.

I went out for dinner with not one, not two, but six couples. I was definitely the odd one out. And they all took it upon themselves to analyse my 'friendship' with C. They all think we should get back together. They didn't seem to get that it wasn't me that wanted out of the relationship, it was C. I can't make him want to be with me. And I don't want be with someone who doesn't really want to be with me.

And every single one of them told me about the single men that they know who would be perfect for me. Hmmm... Do I have 'no chance in hell of getting a man on my own' written across my face? It seems that I do.

So it is official, I have become a charity case... so if you have a single man that you're looking to unload... feel free to point him in my direction. All donations will be put to good use. If not by me, I'm sure I can find a good home for them.


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