there's a storm raging
2006-06-13 || 4:44 p.m.

i just don't get it.

i've had interview after interview with little or no success.

is it because of the year long gap in my work history? i thought i was glossing over that quite nicely with the whole travelling around europe thing. is it my lack of experience in any given field? all previous jobs i've had may have been in different environments but they all included a similar task, customer service. it's not like i'm applying to be prime minister or anything. but the prime minister really should have more of an idea of how to deal with the general public, he definitely doesn't have any customer service experience, i hate little johnny... sucking at george w's teat.

got a little off track there.

anyway the point is... i'm not sure. i had an interview on thursday and i thought it went really well, i left feeling like i had got the job. anyway they said they would be making the decision today and would be contacted soon after if successful. now i interpreted soon after as today. you know, make the decision and make the call. could i be jumping the gun a little bit? possibly. i might give them a call tomorrow.

it's just frustrating.


totally different topic. C lost his driver's licence for thirteen months for drunk driving. that's bad, especially considering he was looking for work as a sales rep, i guess he'll have to put that off until sometime next year. luckily he can walk to his current job. not that he will.

he's so stupid. he lives a short walk from the pub. why he chooses to drive instead of walk i have no idea. anyway, it's not even a two minute drive from his house and he got busted for being three times over the legal limit. they took him down to the cop shop and because he lives within walking distance they let him walk home. so what does he do? he walks to his car and drives it home. he's fucking ridiculous.

who am i to talk? i'm no saint when it comes to drinking and driving but i don't live near anything. it would take me twenty minutes to walk to my neighbour's house. if i am driving i try to watch how much i drink, i really am quite responsible... only on the odd occasion would i be over the limit and still drive. but i guess all it takes is an odd occasion to wrap myself around a tree, or god forbid kill someone else.


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