aussie music?
2006-06-13 || 11:32 a.m.

i just received a note from peanut303 asking "what in the world is aussie music?"

i'm not sure if it's worth a response. is she serious? i would assume that most people know that australian's are affectionately known as aussies. and music is music. put together and you get aussie music.

i created a diary ring for fans of the band augie march (i am the only member) with the description 'aussie music at its finest'. i'm guessing that this is where the question came from.

if you want to know who augie march are go here . listen. learn. they're not everyone's cup of tea but i love them.

i might just leave her a note telling her to google aussie music. that way she will learn that there is a whole world of music that doesn't sound like good charlotte.


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