all i need
2006-06-14 || 4:07 p.m.

tomorrow i am going to get off my ass and just go into every pub and hotel within a half hour drive of here and beg for a job. i need to work. well i don't need to, i get enough on disability to pay my bills and have a bit of a social life, but i want to have some savings. and there is no room for saving when you're living off the government.

cameron's coming home next week. i know he's gonna be a complete asshole when he arrives but in the week leading up to his arrival i can pretend that he is my loving and kind brother who will entertain me for the two weeks that he's here. it's always nice to have another person to drag to the pub. i spoke to him yesterday and he said he's going to take me to his friend's holiday house for a few days. which could be nice... the house is in one of the most expensive beach side towns in victoria if not the whole of australia. if there was ever a chance to snag a millionaire, this would be said chance.

i don't get why cameron has all the cool and successful friends. he is the biggest dork around. we should swap places, i'll have the cool friends and he can have my loser friends. mind you, i've always been drawn to the losers and outcasts. i've got this thing for the underdog. even when i was a child, i always befriended the least popular kid. thus making me the second least popular kid. i remember being told by the 'in crowd' that i could hang out with them if i ditched whoever the loser i was friends with at the time. i never ditched 'the loser'. i like people who don't put conditions on my friendship.

seriously my friends aren't losers, they just don't own multi-million dollar beach houses. they don't even own cars. some of them might not even own a bar of soap. but they all have one thing in common though, i like/love them and they seem to like me. and in the end that's all that matters. well that's what i tell myself anyway.


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