tuesday drivel (it's a meme!)
2006-05-16 || 5:46 p.m.

What is your most treasured material possession?

Well if I have to pick just one (as opposed to groups/collections) I guess it would be my mannequin liqour dispenser. Currently it's not working, but it used to... when you push the button the little boy on top pees liquor. so cute. so practical. it seems so idiotic for it to be my treasured possession.

What is the best advice that you've ever received?

Don't let the sun go down on your anger.

And it is so true. Holding grudges, anger and animosity only makes you bitter.

What characteristics do you think you've inherited from your parents?

I'm quiet and observant like my father. I'm not really sure what I inherited from my mother. Nothing that's obvious to me, but there has to be something.

Physically, I'm told I look like my grandmother. I don't look like either of my parents or my brother. When I was a child they used to tell me that the milk man was my father.

Is there one piece of criticism that sticks in your mind?

I hear it constantly... I am not living up to my potential. Big deal. What's so bad about being average?

What ambitions do you still have to fulfil?

Ambitions? Hmmm... that might require some actual effort and I'm not really into that.

I have a couple of goals... own my own home and get married sometime in the very distant future. If neither of those things come to fruition, I won't die.


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