time is not my friend
2006-05-15 || 3:22 p.m.

myspace is my new found friend. you have no idea how sad and pathetic that makes me feel. but it's good. it fills in some time and that's really all i care about right now.

time is my enemy. it makes me over analyse things and it gets me worked up over things that i can't control.

i know that some people have the problem of not enough time... but hey, who am i kidding i can fit everything i have to do, like running errands and eating and crap like that into an hour per day. that leaves me with 23 hours to fill. i try to get in eight hours of sleep at least and the rest is just time to think. not good.

so if anyone is interested you can check out my myspace profile here . it's nothing special.


current + archives + cast + rings + random + profile + email + notes + book + design + diaryland + myspace

The current mood of lalalily at www.imood.com