do you like pina coladas?
2006-04-21 || 1:22 p.m.

well it's barely friday afternoon and i'm onto my fourth beer for the day. yes, i'm home alone (finally) and bored, i have no plans for the rest of the day/evening/night so i decided to become an even bigger loser and get wasted alone.

good fucking times.

i really need to get a job.

it will be just my luck that i'll be well and truly trolleyed by late afternoon and someone will call me up and ask me if i want to do something. and by that point i'll be so off my face that i won't be able to function let alone go out anywhere. but if i stop drinking now and decide not to drink pina coladas and go walking in the rain (which is highly possible because it's pissing down right now), then no one will call me and i'll be sober and alone. yeah tough call.

pina coladas here i come.


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