why do i care? no idea
2006-04-18 || 7:26 p.m.

don't you just hate it when someone asks if you're going to a party or something and it's the first you've heard about it. thus meaning you weren't invited. yeah i hate it.

just chatting to rockstarboy and he asks me if i'll be at S's birthday party on the weekend. i hadn't heard about it so i guess not.

i spoke to S a few days ago and he didn't mention it. it sucks. i was all happy with how my friendships were getting back to normal post C and something like this has just thrown me. i'm not sure why it bothers me this much, i am so not that girl. i don't usually care at all, let alone think about being offended or bothered by the absence of an invite. and it's not even like he always invites me to stuff, i mean i've known him for almost eight years and i've probably only gone to a couple of his birthday celebrations.

i guess it just reminds me that even though C and i are cool it's probably not as cool as i would like it to be. people are still weird about us being in the same room. S has mentioned to me that C finds it difficult to be around me... so that could be a reason for being left off the invite list.

that doesn't make it suck any less.


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