2006-04-07 || 10:36 p.m.

i'm drunk. and i'm at home. not a good mixture.

i just got home from dinner for my friend kay's birthday. we were out... we were all drinking... we were having a good time... then everyone, including kay went home. i sat in my car with my half drunk bottle of wine (i already consumed a bottle and a half over dinner) thinking that i was too intoxicated to drive but had no one to go out with. so in true drunk style i finished the bottle and drove home. i know. i'm a loser. i never drink and drive. it's totally stupid but where i live there's not much traffic so i am only endangering my life. still no excuse really.

it sucks.

i guess i'll just have to save my need to get wasted and kiss random cute men until tomorrow night.


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