birthday schmirthday
2006-04-07 || 11:53 a.m.

another day, another job interview...

one day one of these interviews is actually going to result in an actual job, i can't wait. i find it really embarrassing telling people i'm unemployed.

i like to say i'm in between jobs, or that i'm having a bit of me time. so what if it's been eight months of me time, i'm self absorbed.

so tomorrow night i'm having a birthday party at my favourite local bar. i can't wait. there is the slight problem that no one has told me that they are definitely coming, well j has... and she asked me if she could bring some people, so it's gonna be me and j and her friends. my friends are assholes. oh well, the only reason i'm doing anything at all is for free booze. it's a fact of life, if there's ever a chance of getting free drinks it's on your birthday and i plan to take full advantage of that.


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