me no good english? that's unpossible
2006-03-23 || 2:45 p.m.

i think i may have finally decided what i'm going to do with my life. not what i want to do but what i'm going to do. i'm gonna follow in my big brother's footsteps and become a teacher. i've been fighting it for as long as i can remember. when i was in highschool i used to tutor kids and then in uni i was an adjudicator for the debating association of victoria telling kids how to debate... now years on... i've thought about it and, well, if i get into the course i'll be a secondary teacher by the end of next year. with a guarantee of getting a job. that's all i want. a guaranteed job.

i hate this whole apply, wait, no response thing that i'm going through right now. i want a job. i have even applied for jobs at local shops and stuff, not mentioning that i have all this education going to waste. i mean you usually exagerate on your resume, but no, i'm going in the opposite direction. i've been told that if an employer thinks that you are too smart or experienced for the position that they are advertising they are concerned that you'll want more money, that you won't stay very long or... well i don't really know. so yes. i'm dumbing myself down.

so the plan is (of course this is subject to change at any moment) finish my counselling diploma, apply at various universities to do a graduate diploma in education, get into one, spend 2007 studying, finally getting my career started early 2008. that is if everything goes to plan. but as i know, nothing ever goes to plan. although i have taken a step forward from my last entry, at least i now have a plan. just gotta make sure i stick to it.

hmmm... tricky.


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