like cinderella i am transformed
2006-03-04 || 1:17 p.m.

yay! after countless applications i have two job interviews lined up for next week. one is for a position in a goverment agency that i really hope i get because it pays really well and there's lots of promotion opportunities and the other one is waiting tables at a local winery which is not ideal but i really like the place and i think that it would be fun working there. well as fun as work can be.

so this week has been pretty good. it almost seems like my bad luck might possibly be coming to an end. but i still have to do well in these interviews and there is the appointment with my oncologist, i've been getting alot of headaches lately. i think it's to do with the heat but there's always that doubt in my mind that it could be the tumour growing back. but i guess whatever happens i'll deal with it.

today i feel quite different. i think it's a sense of wellbeing and happiness that i don't think i've felt in quite some time.

this week has been an awesome week. the realisation that i don't want c and the two job interviews have really changed my outlook. if i don't get either of the jobs i will be disappointed but it won't change the way i feel. i'm getting my life back. yay!

i say a big FUCK YOU to c and a big FUCK YOU to cancer! it's liberating.


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