poilitcs and pissants
2006-02-28 || 3:45 p.m.

i want to become a hermit. a recluse. the eccentric old lady with wild hair and a dozen cats. a cat lady. yeah. except i can't stand pets... hmm... could be difficult then. but you get the idea.

people irritate me.

traffic bothers me.

the phone ringing pisses me off.

capitalism is a necessary evil... and i can't stand it.

we should try and get away from putting so much weight on material possessions.

that's funny coming from a girl with over a hundred pairs of shoes.

and no, i am not having a bad day. i really dislike society. half the population is completely moronic, and the other half is totally apathetic. and most of our world leaders are apathetic morons. i mean why should they care? they've got all the money and resources that they'll ever need, they don't have to worry about healthcare and education for their children. they're not living below the poverty line. they haven't got a worry in the world. and they make laws and policies and guidelines for the average person like they have any idea.

and the morons think that they are great. because they're too stupid to realise that they are being totally screwed over. when i was at uni i couldn't believe that there were so many members of the DU liberal party. it's bloody little johnny and his band of idiots who are cutting funding to education and making employment reforms that aren't going to affect older people but us as students and people starting out in the world. if that's not a sign of being completely idiotic and apathetic then i don't know what is.

why am i saying all this? well john howard has been the prime minister of australia for the past ten years. and most of the media has put a positive spin on it. sure some things are better but not for everyone.

and i just don't get it. i have to admit i have far left leanings which might be my reasons for hating him. voting is compulsory. and i think that's both good and bad. i mean i would vote regardless, but i know many people who wouldn't and they just continue to vote for whoever's in power because they are mindless automatons who really believe that who's in power doesn't make a difference to their lives. it totally does. i don't get why they don't care. i care. and i care about others. i've grown up with enough money to live a comfortable life, i had a private school education, i went to university but i care about the people who don't have these opportunites.

look at me, up on my soap box. sometimes i just feel the need to vent my frustrations with the way the world is.

"Baghdad's safer than my hometown and your PM is a sissy." -henry rollins after receiving word that he had been reported to australian anti-terrorism authorities for reading a book about militant islam on a plane to australia.

thankyou mr rollins for telling it like it is. i totally agree.


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