pipe dreams
2006-02-23 || 12:23 a.m.

i'm thinking about moving interstate. tasmania to be precise.

i'm thinking if i move out of my comfort zone, not within driving distance of here... then i might be forced to get a life. i'm tired of sitting around thinking about how since c and i split i've lost all my friends. i'm sick of my mum asking me if i'm lonely. i'm not lonely, i just don't have as much of a social life as i used to. so if i move away from here... i might just make some new friends and get a life.

why tasmania? because i hate hot weather. and i'm about as south as you can get in mainland australia so the only option for colder weather is to head on down to tassie.

this is just a pipe dream though. i'm doing this counselling diploma that will probably take up the next six months, then i'll see what happens, i do love the idea of moving away from everyone i know and love and starting from scratch though. i need some excitement in my life.


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