caring about karaoke
2005-12-27 || 12:03 a.m.

i'm such a sucky friend. i didn't go to fon and kian's wedding. i had a good reason though... no really i did. i could have gone to the wedding where i would have not been noticed in the crowd of 600 guests, or i could go and get drunk and sing bad karaoke songs at the local pub. obviously i chose the latter. and it was fun, i highly doubt i would have had as much fun at a wedding.

i thought i had more to write... well i do but i've decided not to dwell on why i care about c.

at this present time i care what he's doing on new years eve. why? because his house is walking distance from the bar that i'm going to and i'm hoping that i can stay at his house. i mean, i could walk home in the time i'm waiting for a taxi (i've never walked it but i reckon it would take roughly three hours sober, so wasted... i can't even imagine), so if he's doing something around town it would be great for me. i just have to ask him what he's doing... and that requires me calling him, leaving him a message (he never answers his phone), me getting pissed off at him for not calling me back... blah, blah, blah, you know what i'm saying. how could you, not even i know what i'm on about.

fuck c, fuck me, fuck this.


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