good timing
2005-12-20 || 2:10 p.m.

i don't know why i would expect anything more with my luck. i'm sick. the weather's finally good and christmas parties abound, and i'm holed up at home trying to shake this damn cold, which has become more serious due to my lack of an immune system. it's apparently quite warm, i'm wrapped up like it's the middle of winter.

well on the upside, due to my staying at home, i'm not spending any money.

much to my surprise c called me today. he called to tell me that he was at work. apparently he hasn't quite figured out how to read a roster. so we're probably not gonna catch up before the new year. oh well, i guess life goes on.

yesterday i got an invite to a wedding. big deal right? well yeah, but it's on boxing day. apparently i was sent an invitation two months ago, i never got it. the couple who invited me, rang me yesterday and told me that they had put me on the guest list even though i hadn't replied. so i felt obligated to say yes. now i have to brave the christmas crowds to buy a stupid wedding gift. i guess it's something to do instead of watching the cricket. plus on the upside, i get a free feed and more importantly free booze. i guess it could be worse.


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