2005-12-16 || 2:48 p.m.

i don't know why i'm upset. i was supposed to go out for lunch with fuckwit c. he was supposed to call me. he didn't. so, not wanting to appear like a psycho ex-girlfriend i didn't call him, i just sent him a text message.

i don't know why i expect more from him now, he's behaving exactly the same as he always has.

so anyway, i got a reply saying sorry i forgot. and i'm quite upset. i wish i didn't care. and he had the nerve to ask to reschedule lunch for tuesday. i didn't reply. let's see if he calls. i don't think he will.

i haven't written much lately, i've been quite sick. i can't wait until i officially finish my chemo, i've forgotten what it feels like to have energy and just feel 100%.

i've got lots of christmas parties to go to so hopefully that will lead to some juicy writing in the following week.


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