hi, my name is lily and i'm an alcoholic
2005-10-30 || 10:56 p.m.

i really don't have anything to write during the week, no one, not even i, wants to read how i got out of bed at midday and watched tv until it was time to go to bed, so i figure it's just best to write when i actually leave the house which these days seems to be only on weekends. thus the habit of writing only one entry a week.

bloody daylight savings. i'm out last night and i think i'll be home by 4am, forgetting that the clocks went forward, so i arrive home at 5:30am. stupid. i hate losing an hour of sleep.

and i really needed the sleep because on friday night i was out all night, ended up running into c and going home with him. shame on me. but we see eachother out pretty much every weekend, (the problem living in a relatively small and incestuous community) and lately i'm always drunk, and he's always drunk, sometimes the alcohol gets the better of me.

last night we went out for jc's birthday. j and i stopped off at the bottle shop to buy some wine to take to the restaurant and couldn't decide what to get, so we decided there would be alot of people there so we bought six bottles of wine that we could share with everyone. no one drank the wine. well, j and i obviously did. and yes, we drank the six bottles between the two of us. needless to say we were nicely toasted by the end of dinner.

we head up the street to a nightclub and ...blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada... nothing exciting happens, just usual drunken nightclub antics. it was fun. i decide to leave and head down the road to wait for a taxi. as i'm sitting there, some guy comes up and sits next to me, and he recognises me as a friend of someone he knows. nice line huh? it turns out that it wasn't a line. he really does know j. we make small talk and we discover that we live relatively close to eachother. so we share a taxi. he's a really nice guy. he paid for the ride on the condition that i buy him a drink next time i see him. score one for me. only one problem, he's a little short for me. god, i'm talking like i even have a chance with this guy, i don't even know if i want to have a chance with him, but at this point in time it would be best to find a rebound guy before corey and i fall back into old habits.

i can't even remember his name, yeah, he's obviously a keeper.

oh and as an after thought... l. not the taxi guy but one of c's friends who i totally have a huge crush on. he was out on friday night, and all over me, not like full on pashing me or anything like that, but we've been mates for ages, and he's never been that touchy feely. he was hugging me and kissing me on the neck and i can't even recall what else, but all i was thinking was that if c wasn't there, i'd be open to some drunken fling. instead i went home with c. bloody typical.


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