cocktails + wine + beer = silly lily
2005-10-22 || 2:36 p.m.

well it's been a little while since i last had anything to write so i went out last night just for the sake of having something to write about. i'm all about sacrifice for my writing.

it seems that as much as i don't want to i'm going to have to keep writing about c. if it wasn't for him, i'd have nothing of note to write about.

last night i spent the night at c's. i know, bad idea. i have an excuse though, no really i do. i was drunk.

anyway so i'm out at this bar that is basically a place where all the oldies go to pick up. i never thought i'd run into c there. j and i went there in the hope that old men would buy us drinks, and they did. then i saw c. he came up to me and gave me this huge hug i thought he was gonna break some ribs, i tried to pull away and he wouldn't let go. blah, blah, blah, the bar closes and j met some guys and was heading down the street to another bar and i was going with her when c said that he wanted to talk. so i told j that i would meet up with her later. well, later never happened.

c gave me the same spiel that he gave me the last time we spoke. he asked me to stay at his house, and by this time i was well and truly about to throw up or pass out so i accepted the invitation. we just slept.

c had to work today so that was a relief. he dropped me home on his way to work. we are not back together. there's way more to it than that but i'm too hungover to bother right now... maybe later.


current + archives + cast + rings + random + profile + email + notes + book + design + diaryland + myspace

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