don't need nothing but a good time
2006-09-12 || 3:09 p.m.

it's weird how i sometimes feel like my life is just shit. and other times i am so grateful for the life i have. and other times i am, dare i say it, excited about the future. today is one of the excited days.

i've just recently been in contact with a friend who i went to highschool and university with. i had forgotten how much fun she can be. she currently lives in bumfuck nowhere, she moved there for work, she's a shrink. it's like almost 300km west of melbourne. i on the other hand live about 100km south east of melbourne. so yeah there's a bit of distance between us. but i'm gonna take a bit of a road trip and go visit her. i don't know when but hopefully it'll be in the next month or so.

so i'm excited about that. we were attached at the hip for years and years. it will be good to catch up. thinking back on the friendship, i really miss it. it was totally different to the one i have with J. but both are just as important to me.

and i'm excited about the prospect of going back to uni next year, i'll be gutted if i don't get accepted. i'm excited about the fact that i actually have goals that i truly want to achieve.

there's only one little glitch in my excited/happy state. C. of course. if i can just get him out of my system i'll be alright. it'll be a year on saturday since we broke up. a year on sunday since i began this diary. a mother fucking year. it doesn't feel very long at all.


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