they say time heals everything, i'm still waiting
2006-06-10 || 11:47 a.m.

warning: gratuitous talk of C, slutface and rockstarboy follows. it's not that interesting to me so i can't imagine that it would be all that interesting to anyone else. just thought i'd let you know before you wasted your time.

i found out last night that C is in a relationship with slutface. i felt awful. not because he's with her but because i've been sleeping with him. thus making me the other woman. not a title i want.

needless to say i was pissed off.

we (me, C, S & my new friend KC) went into the city last night to see some bands. i picked up C and S first and was on the way to KC's when slutface called C. she was pissed at him because he didn't invite her to come with us. i could hear her yelling at him and he was just going through the motions "yes, no, no, sorry, yes, no, sorry" it was actually quite amusing, S and i couldn't help but laugh. C could have only sounded less interested in what she had to say if he was dead. he got off the phone and i said to him she sure gets worked up over her non-boyfriend going out without her.

later on i told him that it was ok if he was with her. i think being sober makes everything a whole lot easier to comprehend and i meant what i said, that it is ok for him to have a girlfriend, i'm not gonna die. and that's when he admitted that she was. i yelled at him. i don't fuck other girls boyfriends, even if i hate them, it's as straight forward as that. and then he told me that he wasn't shagging her so it was ok. yeah, like that makes a difference.

blah, blah, blah... so we all have a great night. bands were great, company was exceptional, no one got into a fight, it was a successful night out. on the way home slutface calls C. it was 3am! he had to work at 8am, she knew this and still called. the conversation on the way there was nothing compared to what it was like on the way home. he just kept on repeating "i don't want to talk about it now, let me sleep" and she just kept on at him. he finally hangs up and lets out this scream of frustration. S tells him that he needs to pull the plug. and C agreed. C was only trying out this whole girlfriend thing to see if he could get his life back on track. since we broke up he drinks all the time, gambles too much and is basically on the road to loserville. so he thought if he had a girl in his life he might stop doing those things. the problem is that he doesn't want a girlfriend, or at least not slutface. i told him if he's with slutface he's not going to find the girl that's going to change his life. *cough*me*cough*. nah, i think if we continue as we are we will eventually be real friends.


he's so weird. i asked him earlier in the week if he wanted to come see the bands with us. he said no and that was it. well he was there.

he shaved off his beard for me. he looks hot. if i didn't know him, i would think he was alright. but i do know him and i know better. he was still weird, but was obviously making an effort to not be. i went to say goodbye to him and he wouldn't let me leave. he held on to my hand so tightly i thought he was going to break it. well obviously i got away... in fact it was when C came up to say bye to rockstarboy, he couldn't get away from me fast enough. it's so funny. i have told everything that rockstarboy has said to me to C and S. they find it really amusing. i find it flattering but oh so creepy.

he did say one thing to me that was a little off, it was something like the next time we see each other it will be on. he gave me this disgustingly sleazy look and winked at me. ugh, i feel sick just thinking about it. he then went to kiss me and that's when C popped up. he's got good timing. or maybe he was watching and thought it was time to step in. either way i was relieved.


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