i've been tagged?
2006-06-05 || 2:55 p.m.

thanks (i think) to pattymelt for tagging me.

The first player in this "game" starts with the topic "6 weird habits/embarrassing things/about yourself", and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their six weird habits/embarrassing things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

six things about myself

1. i had several nicknames in highscool... some i still haven't managed to shake. the most prevalent is moo. one day i mentioned that i liked cows (i went to school in a rural area and you could watch the cows out in the paddocks from every class room) and for the next couple of years everyone including teachers started calling me moo. every birthday and christmas i am guarenteed to this day to receive a cow momento of some description.

the other nickname that i still hear from a select few, is otto. why? it's after otto from the simpsons. in one episode i think he's at an AA meeting and he says "my name is otto, i love to get blotto" and every weekend i was 'blotto' so... i guess it was kinda fitting.

2. i really like pauly shore. i know, you have permission to laugh at me. go watch 'pauly shore is dead', you'll come around to my line of thinking.

3. when i was 4 and started school i was so shy that i couldn't even ask the teacher if i could go to the toilets, i would hold on until i could hold on no longer and end up peeing myself in the classroom. thankfully i got over that and moved onto throwing up in the classroom instead. yes, i was a very 'special' child.

4. i'm a sucker. i mean literally. i sucked a dummy until i was six. then i moved on to my thumb for the remainder of primary school. after that it was pens and my hair in highschool. if i eat ice cream or anything icy i take forever because i suck on it. i can't stand people who bite/chew lollipops or hard sweets, hearing people crunch on these things is worse than nails dragging down a blackboard. well for me anyway. that's a little weird isn't it?

5. girls/women don't like me. i've heard that they think i'm a bitch, a snob or a complete fake... which i'm not, but i could accept this if i had actually spoken to them. i have never been given a job if i was interviewed by a woman, but i've got every single job that a man has interviewed me for. weird.

6. before i had neurosurgery i could walk on my hands. now i can't because they must have nicked the part in my brain that contains the knowledge and coordination to do absolutely useless stunts. i can no longer do handstands or cartwheels either. i'm totally crushed.

ok i tag, bunnysuit3, catjamboree, abittergirl, icantread, slutorama1 and nudetwister.


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