do you wanna be a polyester bride?
2006-06-02 || 3:05 p.m.

am i the only one who thinks cyber sex is absurd? if you've got a web-cam then it's a little more understandable but i just don't get it.

rockstarboy has been trying to get me to help him to get off and my response has been to roll around on the floor in a fit of laughter. the boy can't even look me in the eye or give me a hug when we're in the same room and yet via the internet he's comfortable telling me what he wants to do to me. yeah. that's nice.

new topic

last night i went out with some girlfriends from highscool. i was dreading it because J cancelled at the last minute and i had visions of being inundated with talk of marriage and photos of babies and having to pretend like i cared. but my luck must be improving.

yes there was talk of weddings, marriages and babies but it was kept to a minimum, i had this sinking feeling that they were keeping it to a minimum because of me, the only swinging single in the group. i got the whole, you'll meet someone someday talk.

in the end though it was a thoroughly entertaining and enlightening night. we reminisced about old boyfriends and school yard rumours, they talked about how they missed being unattached and selfish, i talked about... stuff. i probably exagerated my 'single shennanigans' to make them jealous, but we all know i'm not doing much that people single or attached would be jealous of.

but all in all it was good to catch up with them. and it will be even better gossiping to J about all the things they told me.


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