2006-04-10 || 11:35 p.m.

some people lead such drama filled lives.

i've just got home from jc's house. her ex broke into her house smashed all the windows and cut himself so severely that he eventually collapsed from blood loss. the place is a wreck.

the house is in her ex's name and he got out of hospital today and told her to be gone by seven in the morning. so i and a few others were there all evening because she was only told that she had to be out of the house this afternoon. why she would even want to stay there, i have no idea.

luckily her son was away at his father's for the weekend so he doesn't know what happened... but jc should really think about the men that come and go in her life, even if she doesn't care about herself she should at least care about what this kind of thing does to her son. i mean he's eight and she can't expect him to be able to handle men coming and going and moving in and out. especially since his father is/was a drug addict who can only have visitation rights when he's with his parents... one time he took her son for a weekend and kept him for three weeks. yeah, a real good role model.

walking in to her house it looked like a murder scene. blood on the floor, the walls, the curtains... it was horrific. we always knew that he wasn't right but they broke up a few months ago he moved out, told jc that she could stay in the house, never asked anything from her it was not overly friendly but it was ok, no one would have suspected he would do this. she took out a restraining order against him but a piece of paper isn't going to stop him.

it's a worry.

regardless of how she lives her life she didn't do anything to deserve this, but hopefully this will make her rethink her choice in men. and also the life that she wants and wants for her son.

listen to me, like i have any idea about relationships or children.

blah... i'm knackered. moving house sucks. i might just live with my parents forever, just so i don't have to go through the whole packing process.


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