australian's all let us rejoice...
2006-01-26 || 5:10 p.m.

i am so over all this hot weather. and i'm totally over australia day. public holidays just don't seem that big a deal when you don't have a job. they just interrupt my daily routine. looks like there won't be any celebratory fireworks tonight. probably a good decision seeing as half the state is on fire.

so my friend tim and his fiancee ed visited me on tuesday. i really wasn't looking forward to it, but it was actually alright. it would have been really strange if it had been just tim because tim and i aren't really big talkers. thankfully ed is the sweetest, chattiest person i have met in a long time. no wonder he proposed to her, i fell in love with her in the 24 hours that she was around. she's so cool, way cooler than tim.

i'm tired... and a little hungover... i think i'm done.


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