i've seen it all, i've got nothing to prove
2005-11-17 || 8:36 p.m.

i'm sunburnt.

i never go in the sun. sunburn is the reason why. that and i'm paranoid about wrinkles. ok, so i'm vain.

i haven't been up to much lately. i've given up on trying to be friends with c, if he wants to talk to me then he knows where i am. which leaves me with one friend to hang out with. j. but she's been a little under the weather these past two weeks and so we haven't had a chance to catch up. thus, no tales to tell.

i've been entertaining myself with this site OKcupid. it's kinda like a novelty dating site.


current + archives + cast + rings + random + profile + email + notes + book + design + diaryland + myspace

The current mood of lalalily at www.imood.com