cute boy paul
2005-10-02 || 8:47pm

i am so very tired. that might be because i was out all night doing silly things.

last night i met up with some friends from highschool for dinner. it was fun enough. but there really isn't anything to write about, it was a standard catch up kinda thing.

of course no one wanted to kick on after dinner except for j and myself. we tried to convince them that it would be so great if we all went out together like when we were in high school, but they're not into to getting drunk and passing out in a park somewhere anymore. what's up with that?

so j and i went out to our usual haunts. we drank, and drank and drank some more. next thing i know i'm getting hit on by this really cute boy. and he was a boy. 18 to be precise. but he was soooo very drunk and i was soooo very drunk, and he was as cute as a button and he invited me to come to his holiday house. i played it cool, and said "i don't know". j picked up some random guy and i stumbled down to wait for a taxi. who do i run into at the cab rank? cute boy paul. so at this point i feel like i'm going to pass out or throw up or maybe even both and him and his mates are just getting into a taxi, and with little more than a nod of the head i get into the taxi. naughty naughty.

i told you that since the break up with c i've become a different person. i have never gone home with a strange guy before.

thank you c.

i had an absolute ball. so we all get back to his holiday house and it's this huge beachfront mansion! ch ching! anyway i felt like i was eighteen again. we ran around on the beach screaming our heads off, all the guys went skinny dipping. i didn't. it was freezing and i had the sense of mind to not take my clothes off in front of a group of strange men... well boys.

i haven't had that much fun in such a long time. oh and cute boy paul was really nice too. shame i didn't get his surname or a number and i can't remember the address. but then again it's not like it would have been more than a one night thing.

and you know what, i didn't think about c once.


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