i wanna let you go
2005-09-25 || 8:40pm

"i'm awake, but my world is half asleep"

why do break-ups make me listen to crappy cliche ridden pop music? the few break-ups i've experienced always lead to me wallowing in shithouse music. i just have to hang in there, the music will pass.

i've decided to quit my job. i've been slinging chinese food on and off for seven years now, it's time to hang up my apron. plus now that i'm single i want to be able to take up those last minute invites to dinner. i have enough money to get by until i find another job, just won't be able to buy shoes every week.

i'm working tomorrow night so i'll give them two weeks notice (which i don't have to do, i'm only casual) and hopefully they won't try and talk me out of it. they will. i'm the only decent employee they have. i just have to stay strong and say 'no'.

ugh! i am so not happy with my life right now. and i'm so not happy that i'm listening to the backstreet boys.

"i try to go on like i never knew you"


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