don't even bother
2005-09-26 || 10:18 p.m.

so i told len that i was leaving. he asked why, i said that seven years was long enough and i was looking for another job. he didn't try to talk me out of it. he didn't offer me more money. i was surprised. then a few hours pass and he comes to me and says "you can work weekends only". what? like that's any type of incentive to stay. i said no. i told him that in two weeks time i would be unemployed. he didn't have anything else to say.

i feel such a huge relief, knowing that in two weeks i won't be working there anymore. in two weeks, i'll be able to spend my weekends not in a kitchen but maybe a restaurant, as an actual patron. in two weeks, if a friend asks me what i'm doing on the weekend i'll be able to say nothing. good times.

then again it could be boring times. i've been working weekends since i was 18, it will be a bit weird adjusting. i guess it's kind of the same as not being with c. i'm getting more and more used to it everyday.


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