give me something to write about...
2005-09-20 || 9:53 p.m.

i wish i was a decent writer. i wish i could think of things to write that actually had some depth. i don't know why i can't. i used to be able to write for days and days on all sorts of interesting crap. i guess i just don't do anything of note anymore. life just isn't as good as it used to be.

mind you it's probably going to get more interesting as i'm newly single, and we're heading into warmer weather and the party season is only a few months away. so all of that should be good for a few shenannigans. just have to wait for something to happen.

i want my life back!


current + archives + cast + rings + random + profile + email + notes + book + design + diaryland + myspace

The current mood of lalalily at